Basu S

Predicting direct hepatocyte toxicity in humans by combining high-throughput imaging of HepaRG cells and machine learning-based phenotypic profiling

Accurate prediction of drug- and chemical-induced hepatotoxicity remains to be a problem for pharmaceutical companies as well as other industries and regulators. The goal of the current study was to develop an in vitro/in silico method for the rapid and accurate prediction of drug- and chemical-induced hepatocyte injury in humans.


Building predictive in vitro pulmonary toxicity assays using high-throughput imaging and artificial intelligence

Human lungs are susceptible to the toxicity induced by soluble xenobiotics. However, the direct cellular effects of many pulmonotoxic chemicals are not always clear, and thus, a general in vitro assay for testing pulmonotoxicity applicable to a wide variety of chemicals is not currently available.
