Behn J

Binding epitope for recognition of human TRPM4 channel by monoclonal antibody M4M

Mouse monoclonal antibody M4M was recently designed to block human TRPM4 channel. The polypeptide for generating M4M is composed of peptide A1 between the transmembrane segment 5 (S5) and the pore, and a second peptide A2 between the pore and the transmembrane segment 6 (S6).


Structure-based virtual screening of CYP1A1 inhibitors: towards rapid tier-one assessment of potential developmental toxicants

Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) metabolizes estrogens, melatonin, and other key endogenous signaling molecules critical for embryonic/fetal development. The enzyme has increasing expression during pregnancy, and its inhibition or knockout increases embryonic/fetal lethality and/or developmental problems.
