Beuerman R

Dissecting the Molecular Mechanism of Colistin Resistance in mcr-1 Bacteria

Colistin or polymyxin B is the last resort antibiotic to treat infections of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria by disrupting their outer membranes. The recent emergence of Gram-negative bacteria that demonstrate colistin resistance, particularly plasmid-mediated mobile colistin resistance (*mcr*), poses a big challenge to the treatment of multidrug resistance infections.


Mechanism of Polyamine Induced Colistin Resistance through Electrostatic Networks on Bacterial Outer Membranes

Naturally occurring linear polyamines are known to enable bacteria to be resistant to cationic membrane active peptides. To understand this protective mechanism, molecular dynamics simulations are employed to probe their effect on a model bacterial outer membrane.


Reactive Metabolite-induced Protein Glutathionylation: a Potentially Novel Mechanism Underlying Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity

Although covalent protein binding is established as the pivotal event underpinning acetaminophen (APAP) toxicity, its mechanistic details remain unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that APAP induces widespread protein glutathionylation in a time-, dose- and bioactivation-dependent manner in HepaRG cells.


The effect of molecular shape on oligomerization of hydrophobic drugs: molecular simulations of ciprofloxacin and Nutlin

Molecular aggregation plays a significant role in modulating the solubility, permeability, and bioactivity of drugs. The propensity to aggregate depends on hydrophobicity and on molecular shape. Molecular dynamics simulations coupled with enhanced sampling methods are used to explore the early stages of oligomerization of two drug molecules which have a strong aggregation propensity, but with contrasting molecule shapes: the antibiotic ciprofloxacin and the anticancer drug Nutlin-3A.
