Chong YS

Integrative multi-omics database (iMOMdb) of Asian pregnant women

Asians are underrepresented across many omics databases, thereby limiting the potential of precision medicine in nearly 60% of the global population. As such, there is a pressing need for multi-omics derived quantitative trait loci (QTLs) to fill the knowledge gap of complex traits in populations of Asian ancestry.


Integrative Multi-Omics database (iMOMdb) of Asian Pregnant Women.

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have helped identify associations between thousands of genetic variants with various diseases and traits (1). The molecular aetiologies of these phenotypes are further enhanced with molecular quantitative trait loci (QTL), linking molecular traits with phenotypes sharing genetic associations. In particular, genetic associations with gene expression and DNA methylation provide useful insight in understanding the linkage of susceptibility variants and their related genes and cell-specific regulatory elements (2).


Variability in newborn telomere length is explained by inheritance and intrauterine environment

Telomere length (TL) and its attrition are important indicators of physiological stress and biological aging and hence may vary among individuals of the same age. This variation is apparent even in newborns, suggesting potential effects of parental factors and the intrauterine environment on TL of the growing fetus.
