Fibriansah G

Antibody affinity versus dengue morphology influences neutralization

Different strains within a dengue serotype (DENV1-4) can have smooth, or “bumpy” surface morphologies with different antigenic characteristics at average body temperature (37°C). We determined the neutralizing properties of a serotype cross-reactive human monoclonal antibody (HMAb) 1C19 for strains with differing morphologies within the DENV1 and DENV2 serotypes.


Molecular basis of dengue virus serotype 2 morphological switch from 29°C to 37°C

The ability of DENV2 to display different morphologies (hence different antigenic properties) complicates vaccine and therapeutics development. Previous studies showed most strains of laboratory adapted DENV2 particles changed from smooth to “bumpy” surfaced morphology when the temperature is switched from 29°C at 37°C.


Mechanism of Enhanced Immature Dengue Virus Attachment to Endosomal Membrane Induced by prM Antibody

Dengue virus (DENV) particles are released from cells in different maturation states. Fully immature DENV (immDENV) is generally non-infectious, but can become infectious when complexed with anti-precursor membrane (prM) protein antibodies. It is unknown how anti-prM antibody-coated particles can undergo membrane fusion since the prM caps the envelope (E) protein fusion loop.
