Joseph TL

Discovering Putative Protein Targets of Small Molecules: A Study of the p53 Activator Nutlin

Small molecule drugs bind to a pocket in disease causing target proteins based on complementarity in shape and physicochemical properties. There is a likelihood that other proteins could have binding sites that are structurally similar to the target protein. Binding to these other proteins could alter their activities leading to off target effects of the drug.


Role of the N-terminal lid in regulating the interaction of phosphorylated MDMX with p53

Murine double minute 4 protein (MDMX) is crucial for the regulation of the tumor suppressor protein p53. Phosphorylation of the N-terminal domain of MDMX is thought to affect its binding with the transactivation domain of p53, thus playing a role in p53 regulation. In this study, the effects of MDMX phosphorylation on the binding of p53 were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations.
