Kenanov D

Identification and in vivo Efficacy Assessment of Approved Orally Bioavailable Human Host Protein-Targeting Drugs With Broad Anti-influenza A Activity

The high genetic variability of influenza A viruses poses a continual challenge to seasonal and pandemic vaccine development, leaving antiviral drugs as the first line of defense against antigenically different strains or new subtypes. As resistance against drugs targeting viral proteins emerges rapidly, we assessed the antiviral activity of already approved drugs that target cellular proteins involved in the viral life cycle and were orally bioavailable. diseases.


Integrated Multimodal Evaluation of Genotoxicity in ZFN-Modified Primary Human Cells

Iatrogenic adverse events in clinical trials of retroviral vector-mediated gene-corrected cells have prioritized the urgent need for more comprehensive and stringent assessment of potentially genotoxic off-target alterations and the biosafety of cells intended for therapeutic applications.
