Koon YL

Phosphatase POPX2 interferes with cell cycle by interacting with Chk1

Protein–protein interaction network analysis plays critical roles in predicting the functions of target proteins. In this study, we used a combination of SILAC-MS proteomics and bioinformatic approaches to identify Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) as a possible POPX2 phosphatase interacting protein.


Superresolution microscopy reveals distinct localisation of full length IRSp53 and its I-BAR domain protein within filopodia

Superresolution microscopy offers the advantage of imaging biological structures within cells at the nano-scale. Here we apply two superresolution microscopy techniques, specifically 3D structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), a type of single molecule localisation microscopy, to localise IRSp53 protein and its I-BAR domain in relation to F-actin within filopodia.


Enhanced Delta-Notch Lateral Inhibition Model Incorporating Intracellular Notch Heterogeneity and Tension-Dependent Rate of Delta-Notch Binding that Reproduces Sprouting Angiogenesis Patterns

Endothelial cells adopt unique cell fates during sprouting angiogenesis, differentiating into tip or stalk cells. The fate selection process is directed by Delta-Notch lateral inhibition pathway. Classical Delta-Notch models produce a spatial pattern of tip cells separated by a single stalk cell, or the salt-and-pepper pattern. However, classical models cannot explain alternative tip-stalk patterning, such as tip cells that are separated by two or more stalk cells.
