Lane D

Identification of pathways modulating vemurafenib resistance in melanoma cells via a genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen

Vemurafenib is a BRAF kinase inhibitor (BRAFi) that is used to treat melanoma patients harboring the constitutively active BRAF-V600E mutation. However, after a few months of treatment patients often develop resistance to vemurafenib leading to disease progression.


Macrocyclization of an all-D linear α-helical peptide imparts cellular permeability

Peptide-based molecules hold great potential as targeted inhibitors of intracellular protein–protein interactions (PPIs). Indeed, the vast diversity of chemical space conferred through their primary, secondary and tertiary structures allows these molecules to be applied to targets that are typically deemed intractable via small molecules. However, the development of peptide therapeutics has been hindered by their limited conformational stability, proteolytic sensitivity and cell permeability.


Targeting codon 158 p53-mutant cancers via the induction of p53 acetylation

Gain of function (GOF) DNA binding domain (DBD) mutations of TP53 upregulate chromatin regulatory genes that promote genome-wide histone methylation and acetylation. Here, we therapeutically exploit the oncogenic GOF mechanisms of p53 codon 158 (Arg158) mutation, a DBD mutant found to be prevalent in lung carcinomas.


Stereoisomerism of stapled peptide inhibitors of the p53-Mdm2 interaction: an assessment of synthetic strategies and activity profiles

All-hydrocarbon, i, i+7 stapled peptide inhibitors of the p53-Mdm2 interaction have emerged as promising new leads for cancer therapy. Typical chemical synthesis via olefin metathesis results in the formation of both E- and Z-isomers, an observation that is rarely disclosed but may be of importance in targeting PPI.


Inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome activation by cell-permeable stapled peptides

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a major cytokine that initiates and enhances inflammatory responses. Excessive IL-1β production is a characteristic of most chronic inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, which affect a large proportion of the global population.
