Lee JJ

Utility of In Vitro Bioactivity as a Lower Bound Estimate of In Vivo Adverse Effect Levels and in Risk-Based Prioritization

Use of high-throughput, in vitro bioactivity data in setting a point-of-departure (POD) has the potential to accelerate the pace of human health safety evaluation by informing screening level assessments. The primary objective of this work was to compare PODs based on high-throughput predictions of bioactivity, exposure predictions, and traditional hazard information for 448 chemicals.


PI3K Catalytic Subunits α and β Modulate Cell Death and IL-6 Secretion Induced by Talc Particles in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells

Hydrated magnesium silicate (or "talc" particles) is a sclerosis agent commonly used in the management of malignant pleural effusions (MPE), a common symptom of metastatic diseases including lung cancers. However, the direct effects of talc particles to lung carcinoma cells, which can be found in the MPE fluids from lung cancer patients, are not fully understood.
