Lee SS

Directing GDNF-mediated neuronal signaling with proactively programmable cell-surface saccharide-free glycosaminoglycan mimetics

A significant barrier to harnessing the power of cell-surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) to modulate glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) signaling is the difficulty in accessing key GAG structures involved. Here, we report tailored GDNF signaling using synthetic polyproline-based GAG mimetics (PGMs).


Integrated Multimodal Evaluation of Genotoxicity in ZFN-Modified Primary Human Cells

Iatrogenic adverse events in clinical trials of retroviral vector-mediated gene-corrected cells have prioritized the urgent need for more comprehensive and stringent assessment of potentially genotoxic off-target alterations and the biosafety of cells intended for therapeutic applications.


Facile saccharide-free mimetics that recapitulate key features of glycosaminoglycan sulfation patterns

Controlling glycosaminoglycan (GAG) activity to exploit its immense potential in biology ultimately requires facile manipulation of sulfation patterns associated with GAGs. However, satisfying this requirement in full remains challenging, given that synthesis of GAGs is technically arduous while convenient GAG mimetics often produce sulfation patterns that are uncharacteristic of GAGs.
