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Shape complementarity processes for ultrashort-burst sensitive M13-PEG-WS2-powered MCF-7 cancer cell sensors

Biomarkers have the potential to be utilized in disease diagnosis, prediction and monitoring. The cancer cell type is a leading candidate for next-generation biomarkers.


Quantitative image-based collagen structural features predict the reversibility of hepatitis C virus-induced liver fibrosis post antiviral therapies

The novel targeted therapeutics for hepatitis C virus (HCV) in last decade solved most of the clinical needs for this disease. However, despite antiviral therapies resulting in sustained virologic response (SVR), a challenge remains where the stage of liver fibrosis in some patients remains unchanged or even worsens, with a higher risk of cirrhosis, known as the irreversible group.


Hybrid AI assistive diagnostic model permits rapid TBS classification of cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smears

Technical advancements significantly improve earlier diagnosis of cervical cancer, but accurate diagnosis is still difficult due to various factors. We develop an artificial intelligence assistive diagnostic solution, AIATBS, to improve cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smear diagnosis according to clinical TBS criteria.
