Li Y

Hybrid AI assistive diagnostic model permits rapid TBS classification of cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smears

Technical advancements significantly improve earlier diagnosis of cervical cancer, but accurate diagnosis is still difficult due to various factors. We develop an artificial intelligence assistive diagnostic solution, AIATBS, to improve cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smear diagnosis according to clinical TBS criteria.


Elucidating the bactericidal mechanism of action of the linear antimicrobial tetrapeptide BRBR-NH2

Linear antimicrobial peptides, with their rapid bactericidal mode of action, are well-suited for development as topical antibacterial drugs. We recently designed a synthetic linear 4-residue peptide, BRBR-NH2, with potent bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 6.25 μM), the main causative pathogen of human skin infections with an unknown mechanism of action.
