Lin Q

A bio-functional polymer that prevents retinal scarring through modulation of NRF2 signalling pathway

Aberrant wound healing, which leads to irreversible fibrosis, underpins many pathological diseases. In the eye, this manifests as proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), a major cause of poor vision due to failed retinal detachment (RD) surgery1,2. PVR occurs due to proliferative and contractile fibrocellular scar membranes that form either in the vitreous or surrounding the retina.


Differential Reversible and Irreversible Interactions between Benzbromarone and Human Cytochrome P450s 3A4 and 3A5

Mounting evidence have revealed that despite the high degree of sequence homology between cytochrome P450 3A isoforms (i.e. CYP3A4 and CYP3A5), they have the propensities to exhibit vastly different irreversible and reversible interactions with a single substrate. We have previously established that benzbromarone (BBR), a potent uricosuric agent utilized in the management of gout, irreversibly inhibits CYP3A4 via mechanism-based inactivation (MBI).
