Liu W

Integrative multiomics enhancer activity profiling identifies therapeutic vulnerabilities in cholangiocarcinoma of different etiologies

Objectives: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a heterogeneous malignancy with high mortality and dismal prognosis, and an urgent clinical need for new therapies. Knowledge of the CCA epigenome is largely limited to aberrant DNA methylation. Dysregulation of enhancer activities has been identified to affect carcinogenesis and leveraged for new therapies but is uninvestigated in CCA. Our aim is to identify potential therapeutic targets in different subtypes of CCA through enhancer profiling.


Molecular basis for lipid recognition by the prostaglandin D2 receptor CRTH2

Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) signals through the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) CRTH2 to mediate various inflammatory responses. CRTH2 is the only member of the prostanoid receptor family that is phylogenetically distant from others, implying a nonconserved mechanism of lipid action on CRTH2.


Solving the inverse problem of time independent Fokker–Planck equation with a self supervised neural network method

The Fokker–Planck equation (FPE) has been used in many important applications to study stochastic processes with the evolution of the probability density function (pdf). Previous studies on FPE mainly focus on solving the forward problem which is to predict the time-evolution of the pdf from the underlying FPE terms.
