Lopata AL

Comparison of protein extraction protocols and allergen mapping from black soldier fly Hermetia illucens

We demonstrated that the selection of protein extraction buffer and the processing method could influence protein yield and cross-reactive allergen detection from processed and un-processed black soldier fly (BSF) samples. In total, 33 putative allergens were detected by comparing the detected BSF proteins to sequences from public allergen protein databases. An LC-MRM-MS assay was developed for tropomyosin, indicating the importance of buffer selection and processing conditions to reduce BSF samples' allergenicity.


AllerCatPro 2.0: a web server for predicting protein allergenicity potential

Proteins in food and personal care products can pose a risk for an immediate immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergic response. Bioinformatic tools can assist to predict and investigate the allergenic potential of proteins. Here we present AllerCatPro 2.0, a web server that can be used to predict protein allergenicity potential with better accuracy than other computational methods and new features that help assessors making informed decisions.


Protein extraction protocols for optimal proteome measurement and arginine kinase quantitation from cricket Acheta domesticus for food safety assessment

Insects have been consumed by people for millennia and have recently been proposed as a complementary, sustainable source of protein to feed the world's growing population.
