Madhusudhan MS

Packpred: Predicting the Functional Effect of Missense Mutations

Keywords: amino acid depth; local environment/clique; meta predictor; missense mutation effect prediction; statistical potential


Packpred: Predicting the Functional Effect of Missense Mutations

Amino acid substitutions could affect protein stability, alter/impair its function, and possibly lead to disease conditions (Zhang et al., 2012). Several such single amino acid substitutions in proteins, also called missense mutations, are implicated in diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, cancer etc.


Discovering Putative Protein Targets of Small Molecules: A Study of the p53 Activator Nutlin

Small molecule drugs bind to a pocket in disease causing target proteins based on complementarity in shape and physicochemical properties. There is a likelihood that other proteins could have binding sites that are structurally similar to the target protein. Binding to these other proteins could alter their activities leading to off target effects of the drug.
