Marciniak SJ

Linker length affects photostability of protein-targeted sensor of cellular microviscosity

Viscosity sensitive fluorophores termed 'molecular rotors' represent a convenient and quantitative tool for measuring intracellular viscosity via Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM). We compare the FLIM performance of two BODIPY-based molecular rotors bound to HaloTag protein expressed in different subcellular locations.


An Optical Technique for Mapping Microviscosity Dynamics in Cellular Organelles

Microscopic viscosity (microviscosity) is a key determinant of diffusion in the cell and defines the rate of biological processes occurring at the nanoscale, including enzyme-driven metabolism and protein folding. Here we establish a rotor-based organelle viscosity imaging (ROVI) methodology that enables real-time quantitative mapping of cell microviscosity.
