Marzinek JK

Infectivity of Dengue Virus Serotypes 1 and 2 Is Correlated with E-Protein Intrinsic Dynamics but Not to Envelope Conformations

Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus with dire health and economic impacts. Dengue is responsible for an estimated 390 million infections per year, with dengue 2 (DENV2) being the most virulent strain among the four serotypes. Interestingly, it is also in strains of this serotype that temperature-dependent large-scale morphological changes, termed “breathing,” have been observed.


Mechanism of Enhanced Immature Dengue Virus Attachment to Endosomal Membrane Induced by prM Antibody

Dengue virus (DENV) particles are released from cells in different maturation states. Fully immature DENV (immDENV) is generally non-infectious, but can become infectious when complexed with anti-precursor membrane (prM) protein antibodies. It is unknown how anti-prM antibody-coated particles can undergo membrane fusion since the prM caps the envelope (E) protein fusion loop.


Single-molecule studies of flavivirus envelope dynamics: Experiment and computation

Flaviviruses are simple enveloped viruses exhibiting complex structural and functional heterogeneities. Decades of research have provided crucial basic insights, antiviral medication and moderately successful gene therapy trials. The most infectious particle is, however, not always the most abundant one in a population, questioning the utility of classic ensemble-averaging virology approaches. Indeed, viral replication is often not particularly efficient, prone to errors or containing parallel routes.


The architecture of the OmpC-MlaA complex sheds light on the maintenance of outer membrane lipid asymmetry in Escherichia coli.

A distinctive feature of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope is the asymmetric outer membrane (OM), where lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids (PLs) reside in the outer and inner leaflets, respectively. This unique lipid asymmetry renders the OM impermeable to external insults, including antibiotics and bile salts.


A Funneled Conformational Landscape Governs Flavivirus Fusion Peptide Interaction with Lipid Membranes.

During host cell infection by flaviviruses such as dengue and Zika, acidic pH within the endosome triggers a conformational change in the envelope protein on the outer surface of the virion. This results in exposure of the ∼15 residue fusion peptide (FP) region, freeing it to induce fusion between the viral and endosomal membranes.


Partial Intrinsic Disorder Governs the Dengue Capsid Protein Conformational Ensemble

The 11 kDa, positively charged dengue capsid protein (C protein) exists stably as a homodimer and colocalizes with the viral genome within mature viral particles. Its core is composed of four alpha helices encompassing a small hydrophobic patch that may interact with lipids, but approximately 20% of the protein at the N-terminus is intrinsically disordered, making it challenging to elucidate its conformational landscape.


A Thermodynamic Funnel Drives Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide Transfer in the TLR4 Pathway

The Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharide, which potently stimulates the mammalian innate immune response. This involves a relay of specialized complexes culminating in transfer of lipopolysaccharide from CD14 to Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and its co-receptor MD-2 on the cell surface, leading to activation of downstream inflammatory responses. In this study we develop computational models to trace the TLR4 cascade in near-atomic detail.
