Nguyen MN

Application of AllerCatPro 2.0 for protein safety assessments of consumer products

Foreign proteins are potentially immunogenic, and a proportion of these are able to induce immune responses that result in allergic sensitization. Subsequent exposure of sensitized subjects to the inducing protein can provoke a variety of allergic reactions that may be severe, or even fatal. It has therefore been recognized for some time that it is important to determine a priori whether a given protein has the potential to induce allergic responses in exposed subjects.


AllerCatPro 2.0: a web server for predicting protein allergenicity potential

Proteins in food and personal care products can pose a risk for an immediate immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergic response. Bioinformatic tools can assist to predict and investigate the allergenic potential of proteins. Here we present AllerCatPro 2.0, a web server that can be used to predict protein allergenicity potential with better accuracy than other computational methods and new features that help assessors making informed decisions.


Characterization of Hydration Properties in Structural Ensembles of Biomolecules

Solute-solvent interactions are critical for biomolecular stability and recognition. Explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are routinely used to probe such interactions. However, detailed analyses and interpretation of the hydration patterns seen in MD simulations can be both complex and time-consuming.


AppA: a web server for analysis, comparison, and visualization of contact residues and interfacial waters of antibody–antigen structures and models

The study of contact residues and interfacial waters of antibody–antigen (Ab-Ag) structures could help in understanding the principles of antibody–antigen interactions as well as provide guidance for designing antibodies with improved affinities. Given the rapid pace with which new antibody–antigen structures are deposited in the protein databank (PDB), it is crucial to have computational tools to analyze contact residues and interfacial waters, and investigate them at different levels.


AllerCatPro - Prediction of protein allergenicity potential from the protein sequence

MOTIVATION: Due to the risk of inducing an immediate type I (IgE-mediated) allergic response, proteins intended for use in consumer products must be investigated for their allergenic potential before introduction into the marketplace. The FAO/WHO guidelines for computational assessment of allergenic potential of proteins based on short peptide hits and linear sequence window identity thresholds misclassify many proteins as allergens.


Simulations of mutant p53 DNA binding domains reveal a novel druggable pocket

The DNA binding domain (DBD) of the tumor suppressor p53 is the site of several oncogenic mutations. A subset of these mutations lowers the unfolding temperature of the DBD. Unfolding leads to the exposure of a hydrophobic β-strand and nucleates aggregation which results in pathologies through loss of function and dominant negative/gain of function effects.
