Pradhan MR

A Novel Determinant of PSMD9 PDZ Binding Guides the Evolution of the First Generation of Super Binding Peptides

The PDZ domain is one of the most widespread protein interaction domains found in nature. Due to their integral role in numerous biological functions, their ability to act as scaffolds for signal amplification, and the occurrence of mutations linked to human diseases, PDZ domains are attractive therapeutic targets.


Incorporation of Putative Helix-Breaking Amino Acids in the Design of Novel Stapled Peptides: Exploring Biophysical and Cellular Permeability Properties

Stapled α-helical peptides represent an emerging superclass of macrocyclic molecules with drug-like properties, including high-affinity target binding, protease resistance, and membrane permeability. As a model system for probing the chemical space available for optimizing these properties, we focused on dual Mdm2/MdmX antagonist stapled peptides related to the p53 N-terminus.


Characterization of Hydration Properties in Structural Ensembles of Biomolecules

Solute-solvent interactions are critical for biomolecular stability and recognition. Explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are routinely used to probe such interactions. However, detailed analyses and interpretation of the hydration patterns seen in MD simulations can be both complex and time-consuming.


Simulations of mutant p53 DNA binding domains reveal a novel druggable pocket

The DNA binding domain (DBD) of the tumor suppressor p53 is the site of several oncogenic mutations. A subset of these mutations lowers the unfolding temperature of the DBD. Unfolding leads to the exposure of a hydrophobic β-strand and nucleates aggregation which results in pathologies through loss of function and dominant negative/gain of function effects.
