Sobota RM

Fungus-derived protein particles as cell-adhesive matrices for cell-cultivated food

Cell-adhesive factors mediate adhesion of cells to substrates via peptide motifs such as the Arg–Gly–Asp (RGD) sequence. With the onset of sustainability issues, there is a pressing need to find alternatives to animal-derived cell-adhesive factors, especially for cell-cultivated food applications.


Bioinspired short peptide hydrogel for versatile encapsulation and controlled release of growth factor therapeutics

Keywords : Peptide hydrogel, Supramolecular self-assembly, Drug delivery, Secretome, Wound healing


Bioinspired short peptide hydrogel for versatile encapsulation and controlled release of growth factor therapeutics

A short bioinspired octapeptide, GV8, can self-assemble under mild conditions into biodegradable supramolecular physical hydrogels with high [storage modulus]( "Learn more about storage modulus from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages") and good biocompatibility.
