Sudhaharan T

Cellular ageing of oral fibroblasts differentially modulates extracellular matrix organization

Ageing is associated with an impaired cellular function that can affect tissue architecture and wound healing in gingival and periodontal tissues. However, the impact of oral fibroblast ageing on the structural organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is poorly understood. Hence, in this study, we investigated the impact of cellular ageing of oral fibroblasts on the production and structural organization of collagen and other ECM proteins.


Superresolution microscopy reveals distinct localisation of full length IRSp53 and its I-BAR domain protein within filopodia

Superresolution microscopy offers the advantage of imaging biological structures within cells at the nano-scale. Here we apply two superresolution microscopy techniques, specifically 3D structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), a type of single molecule localisation microscopy, to localise IRSp53 protein and its I-BAR domain in relation to F-actin within filopodia.
