Tan CH

Harnessing artificial intelligence in radiology to augment population health

This review article serves to highlight radiological services as a major cost driver for the healthcare sector, and the potential improvements in productivity and cost savings that can be generated by incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the radiology workflow, referencing Singapore healthcare as an example.


CAFT: a deep learning‑based comprehensive abdominal fat analysis tool for large cohort studies

Background There is increasing appreciation of the association of obesity beyond co-morbidities, such as cancers, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and stroke to also impact upon the muscle to give rise to sarcopenic obesity. Phenotypic knowledge of obesity is crucial for profiling and management of obesity, as different fat—subcutaneous adipose tissue depots (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue depots (VAT) have various degrees of influence on metabolic syndrome and morbidities. Manual segmentation is time consuming and laborious. Study focuses on the development of a deep learning-based, complete data processing pipeline for MRI-based fat analysis, for large cohort studies which include (1) data augmentation and preprocessing (2) model zoo (3) visualization dashboard, and (4) correction tool, for automated quantification of fat compartments SAT and VAT.
