Tan JL

Antibody affinity versus dengue morphology influences neutralization

Different strains within a dengue serotype (DENV1-4) can have smooth, or “bumpy” surface morphologies with different antigenic characteristics at average body temperature (37°C). We determined the neutralizing properties of a serotype cross-reactive human monoclonal antibody (HMAb) 1C19 for strains with differing morphologies within the DENV1 and DENV2 serotypes.


New High-Throughput Screening Identifies Compounds That Reduce Viability Specifically in Liver Cancer Cells That Express High Levels of SALL4 by Inhibiting Oxidative Phosphorylation

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Some oncogenes encode transcription factors, but few drugs have been successfully developed to block their activity specifically in cancer cells. The transcription factor SALL4 is aberrantly expressed in solid tumor and leukemia cells. We developed a screen to identify compounds that reduce the viability of liver cancer cells that express high levels of SALL4, and we investigated their mechanisms.
