Vaz C

Accelerated Ligand-Mapping Molecular Dynamics Simulations for the Detection of Recalcitrant Cryptic Pockets and Occluded Binding Sites

Key words : poultry, avilamycin, transcriptomics, ileum, gene set enrichment analysis


Research Note: Snapshot of the transcriptome via RNA sequencing in the ileum of broiler chickens fed subtherapeutic concentrations of avilamycin

Soon after their discovery in the 1920s, antibiotics began to play critical role in contributing to the economic effectiveness of animal production. In addition to their therapeutic use against infections, supplementation at subtherapeutic doses is used to improve production and feed conversion efficiency (Castanon, 2007). However, the concern over antibiotic resistance and general consumer pressure have led to a decline in antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) use in some parts of the livestock sector including bans in some countries (e.g. EU since 2006).


Discovering Putative Protein Targets of Small Molecules: A Study of the p53 Activator Nutlin

Small molecule drugs bind to a pocket in disease causing target proteins based on complementarity in shape and physicochemical properties. There is a likelihood that other proteins could have binding sites that are structurally similar to the target protein. Binding to these other proteins could alter their activities leading to off target effects of the drug.


Cytoplasmic polyadenylation-mediated translational control of maternal mRNAs directs maternal-to-zygotic transition

In the earliest stages of animal development following fertilization, maternally deposited mRNAs direct biological processes to the point of zygotic genome activation (ZGA). These maternal mRNAs undergo cytoplasmic polyadenylation (CPA), suggesting translational control of their activation.
