Venkatraman P

The Polybasic Insert of the SARS CoV-2 Spike Protein, the RBD and the feline SARS – Evolved or Yet to Evolve

Recent research on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has exploded around the furin-cleavable polybasic insert PRRAR↓S, found within the spike protein. The insert and the receptor-binding domain, (RBD), are vital clues in the Sherlock Holmes-like investigation into the origin of the virus and in its zoonotic crossover.


A Novel Determinant of PSMD9 PDZ Binding Guides the Evolution of the First Generation of Super Binding Peptides

The PDZ domain is one of the most widespread protein interaction domains found in nature. Due to their integral role in numerous biological functions, their ability to act as scaffolds for signal amplification, and the occurrence of mutations linked to human diseases, PDZ domains are attractive therapeutic targets.
