Wu Y

Predicting recurrence in osteosarcoma via a quantitative histological image classifier derived from tumour nuclear morphological features

Recurrence is the key factor affecting the prognosis of osteosarcoma. Currently, there is a lack of clinically useful tools to predict osteosarcoma recurrence. The application of pathological images for artificial intelligence-assisted accurate prediction of tumour outcomes is increasing.


Application of Artificial Intelligence to In Vitro Tumor Modeling and Characterization of the Tumor Microenvironment

In vitro tumor models have played vital roles in enhancing the understanding of the cellular and molecular composition of tumors, as well as their biochemical and biophysical characteristics.


New High-Throughput Screening Identifies Compounds That Reduce Viability Specifically in Liver Cancer Cells That Express High Levels of SALL4 by Inhibiting Oxidative Phosphorylation

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Some oncogenes encode transcription factors, but few drugs have been successfully developed to block their activity specifically in cancer cells. The transcription factor SALL4 is aberrantly expressed in solid tumor and leukemia cells. We developed a screen to identify compounds that reduce the viability of liver cancer cells that express high levels of SALL4, and we investigated their mechanisms.


Targeted covalent inhibitors of MDM2 using electrophile-bearing stapled peptides

Herein, we describe the development of a novel staple with an electrophilic warhead to enable the generation of stapled peptide covalent inhibitors of the p53-MDM2 protein-protein interaction (PPI). The peptide developed showed complete and selective covalent binding resulting in potent inhibition of p53-MDM2 PPI.


Stapled peptides as a new technology to investigate protein-protein interactions in human platelets.

Platelets are blood cells with numerous crucial pathophysiological roles in hemostasis, cardiovascular thrombotic events and cancer metastasis. Platelet activation requires the engagement of intracellular signalling pathways that involve protein–protein interactions (PPIs).
