Yeo YJ

Method for Zero-Waste Circular Economy Using Worms for Plastic Agriculture: Augmenting Polystyrene Consumption and Plant Growth

Keywords: biodegradation; mealworm; superworm; frass; polystyrene; rooting; agricultural support; waste management


Molecular insights of nickel binding to therapeutic antibodies as a possible new antibody superantigen

The binding of nickel by immune proteins can manifest as Type IV contact dermatitis (Ni-specific T cells mediated) and less frequently as Type I hypersensitivity with both mechanisms remaining unknown to date.


An Alternative HIV-1 Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition Mechanism: Targeting the p51 Subunit

The ongoing development of drug resistance in HIV continues to push for the need of alternative drug targets in inhibiting HIV. One such target is the Reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme which is unique and critical in the viral life cycle—a rational target that is likely to have less off-target effects in humans.


The Determination of HIV-1 RT Mutation Rate, Its Possible Allosteric Effects, and Its Implications on Drug Resistance

The high mutation rate of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) plays a major role in treatment resistance, from the development of vaccines to therapeutic drugs. In addressing the crux of the issue, various attempts to estimate the mutation rate of HIV-1 resulted in a large range of 10−5–10−3 errors/bp/cycle due to the use of different types of investigation methods.


Not all therapeutic antibody isotypes are equal: The case of IgM versus IgG in Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab

The therapeutic potential of immunoglobulin M (IgM) is of considerable interest in immunotherapy due to its complement-activating and cell-agglutinating abilities. Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab are monoclonal antibodies used to treat human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer but exhibit significantly different binding affinities as IgM when compared to its IgG isotype.


Psycho-otorhinomicrobiology: The link between the aerotolerant flora of the nose and ears, and that of the psyche

The intriguing relationship between microbiota and human psyche showed gut microbiota to be associated with well-being. To determine if the microbiota of other body parts would be similarly associated, we analyzed the perceived stress, well-being, and happiness scale measures of 106 healthy individuals and their aerotolerant microbiota load in their otorhino canals.


The effects of Antibody Engineering CH and CL in Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab recombinant models: Impact on antibody production and antigen-binding

Current therapeutic antibodies such as Trastuzumab, are typically of the blood circulatory IgG1 class (Cκ/ CHγ1). Due to the binding to Her2 also present on normal cell surfaces, side effects such as cardiac failure can sometimes be associated with such targeted therapy.
