Aging Biology Intervention Research

A sweeter future: Using protein language models for exploring sweeter brazzein homologs

The dramatic rise in obesity and diabetes in recent decades has seen the widespread use of artificial sweeteners in food and drinks as sugar replacements (Gardner et al., 2012). By replacing sugar with these artificial sweeteners, blood glucose level can be better regulated and calorie consumption reduced whilst maintaining food palatability with its sweet taste (Gardner et al., 2012). However, recent data around the detrimental side effects of consuming artificial sweeteners highlight the need for other sweeteners (Bueno-Hernández et al., 2019, Debras et al., 2022, Debras et al., 2022, Suez et al., 2014).


Diethyl phthalate (DEP) perturbs nitrogen metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Phthalate esters (PAE) are compounds derived by double esterification of phthalic acid (1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid). Since the Industrial Revolution, low molecular weight phthalates such as dimethyl phthalate (DMP) and diethyl phthalate (DEP) have been used in pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries to confer flexibility to products used in personal care, infant care and medical devices1.


The PICLS high-throughput screening method for agents extending cellular longevity identifies 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol as novel anti-aging compound

The growing fraction of the elderly (> 65 years) among the total population (from ~ 10% worldwide (above 20% in first world countries) in 2020 to extrapolated 16% in 2050), as well as their increasing life expectancy (by ~ 10 years since 1960 in first world countries), confronts the world with increasingly difficult problems [1, 2]. Besides generally reducing life activity, aging remains the greatest risk factor for the development of chronic diseases that, subsequently, compromise independent human life and finally lead to death [3,4,5,6,7]. The current medical approaches to prevent age-related pathologies are recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and diet. However, these interventions alone are not sufficient to prevent the onset of age-related diseases.


Iron Supplementation Delays Aging and Extends Cellular Lifespan through Potentiation of Mitochondrial Function

Keywords: iron; chronological aging; cellular lifespan extension; mitochondria; AMPK; Saccharomyces cerevisiae
