Computational Digital Pathology Lab

A bio-functional polymer that prevents retinal scarring through modulation of NRF2 signalling pathway

Aberrant wound healing, which leads to irreversible fibrosis, underpins many pathological diseases. In the eye, this manifests as proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), a major cause of poor vision due to failed retinal detachment (RD) surgery1,2. PVR occurs due to proliferative and contractile fibrocellular scar membranes that form either in the vitreous or surrounding the retina.


Transitional premonocytes emerge in the periphery for host defense against bacterial infections

Circulating Ly6Chi monocytes often undergo cellular death upon exhaustion of their antibacterial effector functions, which limits their capacity for subsequent macrophage differentiation. This shrouds the understanding on how the host replaces the tissue-resident macrophage niche effectively during bacterial invasion to avert infection morbidity.


Hybrid AI assistive diagnostic model permits rapid TBS classification of cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smears

Technical advancements significantly improve earlier diagnosis of cervical cancer, but accurate diagnosis is still difficult due to various factors. We develop an artificial intelligence assistive diagnostic solution, AIATBS, to improve cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smear diagnosis according to clinical TBS criteria.


Choice of PD-L1 immunohistochemistry assay influences clinical eligibility for gastric cancer immunotherapy

Circulating Ly6Chi monocytes often undergo cellular death upon exhaustion of their antibacterial effector functions, which limits their capacity for subsequent macrophage differentiation. This shrouds the understanding on how the host replaces the tissue-resident macrophage niche effectively during bacterial invasion to avert infection morbidity.
