Gene Function Prediction

The First Quarter Century of the Dense Alignment Surface Transmembrane Prediction Method

Keywords: transmembrane proteins; transmembrane prediction; multiple sequence alignment; dot-plots


A novel 3-miRNA network regulates tumour progression in oral squamous cell carcinoma

This study identified potential salivary exosome-derived miRNA biomarkers and crucial miRNA-mRNA networks/underlying mechanisms responsible for OSCC progression.


Generalized metabolic flux analysis framework provides mechanism-based predictions of ophthalmic complications in type 2 diabetes patients

Chronic metabolic diseases arise from changes in metabolic fluxes through biomolecular pathways and gene networks accumulated over the lifetime of an individual.


About the dark corners in the gene function space of Escherichia coli remaining without illumination by scientific literature

Although Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most studied prokaryote organism in the history of life sciences, many molecular mechanisms and gene functions encoded in its genome remain to be discovered. This work aims at quantifying the illumination of the E. coli gene function space by the scientific literature and how close we are towards the goal of a complete list of E. coli gene functions.


Salivary Exosomal miRNA-1307-5p Predicts Disease Aggressiveness and Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients

Keywords: oral cancer; exosomes; saliva; microRNAs; prognosis; chemoresistance


To kill or to be killed: pangenome analysis of Escherichia coli strains reveals a tailocin specific for pandemic ST131

Escherichia coli is one of the most well-known commensal Gram-negative bacteria, which is commonly associated with the gut microbiome. Since first identified in 1844, it has been widely studied as a model organism in the laboratory. However, recent findings have shown not only the versatility of E. coli living in different ecological niches but also the diversity of its genotypes including strains with pathogenicity for animals and human [1, 2].


The PICLS high-throughput screening method for agents extending cellular longevity identifies 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol as novel anti-aging compound

The growing fraction of the elderly (> 65 years) among the total population (from ~ 10% worldwide (above 20% in first world countries) in 2020 to extrapolated 16% in 2050), as well as their increasing life expectancy (by ~ 10 years since 1960 in first world countries), confronts the world with increasingly difficult problems [1, 2]. Besides generally reducing life activity, aging remains the greatest risk factor for the development of chronic diseases that, subsequently, compromise independent human life and finally lead to death [3,4,5,6,7]. The current medical approaches to prevent age-related pathologies are recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and diet. However, these interventions alone are not sufficient to prevent the onset of age-related diseases.


Iron Supplementation Delays Aging and Extends Cellular Lifespan through Potentiation of Mitochondrial Function

Keywords: iron; chronological aging; cellular lifespan extension; mitochondria; AMPK; Saccharomyces cerevisiae
