
Psycho-otorhinomicrobiology: The link between the aerotolerant flora of the nose and ears, and that of the psyche

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  APD Trove 2019, Vol: 2;2, doi: 10.30943/2019/25032019
Date of Acceptance:   23 Mar 2019

The intriguing relationship between microbiota and human psyche showed gut microbiota to be associated with well-being. To determine if the microbiota of other body parts would be similarly associated, we analyzed the perceived stress, well-being, and happiness scale measures of 106 healthy individuals and their aerotolerant microbiota load in their otorhino canals. We found that both the perceived stress and well-being of the participants were associated with their otorhino microbial counts, but not their happiness scale scores. Women were found to have significantly less microbiota counts, lower well-being and higher levels of stress. This study is one of the first few to investigate new microbiota reservoirs in humans using aerobic body locations for psychobiological studies.