
Application Notes on APD Areametric App: Automated area quantification for both Android and iOS

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  APD Trove 2019, Vol: 2;1, doi: 10.30943/2019/08022019
Date of Acceptance:   7 Feb 2019

Area measurements have a wide range of uses from the monitoring of skin features in healthcare, celestial bodies in astronomy, to determining furniture sizes in everyday indoor uses. Current measurement methods utilize some form of measuring tool and unless performed by skilled and trained professionals, human errors leading to inaccurate measurements can often arise. This is especially so for irregularly shaped objects with complex dimensions. To alleviate such inaccuracies, we created the APD Areametric native Android and Apple mobile application that leveraged upon image processing to more accurately determine areas of the defined object in images by using pixel ratios. This not only makes such measurement more convenient, but also greatly improves the accuracy and speed of area determination.