
Structures of the Human PGD2 Receptor CRTH2 Reveal Novel Mechanisms for Ligand Recognition

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Molecular Cell, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2018.08.009
Pubmed:  30220562
Impact Factor:  14.428
Date of Acceptance:   13 Sep 2018

The signaling of prostaglandin D 2 (PGD 2) through G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) CRTH2 is a major pathway in type 2 inflammation. Compelling evidence suggests the therapeutic benefits of blocking CRTH2 signaling in many inflammatory disorders. Currently, a number of CRTH2 antagonists are under clinical investigation, and one compound, fevipiprant, has advanced to phase 3 clinical trials for asthma. Here, we present the crystal structures of human CRTH2 with two antagonists, fevipiprant and CAY10471. The structures, together with docking and ligand-binding data, reveal a semi-occluded pocket covered by a well-structured amino terminus and different binding modes of chemically diverse CRTH2 antagonists. Structural analysis suggests a ligand entry port and a binding process that is facilitated by opposite charge attraction for PGD 2, which differs significantly from the binding pose and binding environment of lysophospholipids and endocannabinoids, revealing a new mechanism for lipid recognition by GPCRs.