
DStabilize: A Web Resource to Generate Mirror Images of Biomolecules

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Structure . 2020 Aug 8;S0969-2126(20)30247-1. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2020.07.014.
Pubmed:  32783952
Date of Acceptance:   23 Jul 2020

Peptides comprising D-amino acids have been shown to be resistant to proteolysis. This makes them potential candidates as probes of cellular interactions, notably protein-biomolecule interactions. However, the empirical conversion of the amino acids that constitute a peptide from L-forms to D-forms will result in abrogation of the normal interactions made by the L-amino acids due to side-chain orientation changes that are associated with the changes in chirality. These interactions can be preserved by reversing the sequence of the D-peptide. We present a web server ( that allows users to convert between L-proteins and D-proteins and for sequence reversal of D-peptides, along with the capability of performing other empirical geometric transforms. This resource allows the user to generate structures of interest easily for subsequent in silico processing