
Essentially Leading Antibody Production: An Investigation of Amino Acids, Myeloma, and Natural V-Region Signal Peptides in Producing Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab Variants

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, Vol. 11, Pg 3175, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.604318
Impact Factor:  5.085
Date of Acceptance:   4 Nov 2020

Boosting the production of recombinant therapeutic antibodies is crucial in both academic and industry settings. In this work, we investigated the usage of varying signal peptides by antibody V-genes and their roles in recombinant transient production, systematically comparing myeloma and the native signal peptides of both heavy and light chains in 168 antibody permutation variants. We found that amino acids count and types (essential or non-essential) were important factors in a logistic regression equation model for predicting transient co-transfection protein production rates. Deeper analysis revealed that the culture media were often incomplete and that the supplementation of essential amino acids can improve the recombinant protein yield. While these findings are derived from transient HEK293 expression, they also provide insights to the usage of the large repertoire of antibody signal peptides, where by varying the number of specific amino acids in the signal peptides attached to the variable regions, bottlenecks in amino acid availability can be mitigated.