
TRK xDFG Mutations Trigger a Sensitivity Switch from Type I to II Kinase Inhibitors

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Cancer Discovery, 2020 Oct 1;CD-20-0571. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-0571
Pubmed:  33004339
Impact Factor:  9.62
Date of Acceptance:   27 Sep 2020

On-target resistance to next-generation TRK inhibitors in TRK fusion–positive cancers is largely uncharacterized. In patients with these tumors, we found that TRK xDFG mutations confer resistance to type I next-generation TRK inhibitors designed to maintain potency against several kinase domain mutations. Computational modeling and biochemical assays showed that TRKAG667 and TRKCG696 xDFG substitutions reduce drug binding by generating steric hindrance. Concurrently, these mutations stabilize the inactive (DFG-out) conformations of the kinases, thus sensitizing these kinases to type II TRK inhibitors. Consistently, type II inhibitors impede the growth and TRK-mediated signaling of xDFG-mutant isogenic and patient-derived models. Collectively, these data demonstrate that adaptive conformational resistance can be abrogated by shifting kinase engagement modes. Given the prior identification of paralogous xDFG resistance mutations in other oncogene-addicted cancers, these findings provide insights into rational type II drug design by leveraging inhibitor class affinity switching to address recalcitrant resistant alterations.