
Computational Methods and Tools in Antimicrobial Peptide Research

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2021 Jul 26;61(7):3172-3196. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.1c00175
Pubmed:  34165973
Impact Factor:  4.956
Date of Acceptance:   4 Jun 2021

The evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an ongoing and troubling development that has increased the number of diseases and infections that risk going untreated. There is an urgent need to develop alternative strategies and treatments to address this issue. One class of molecules that is attracting significant interest is that of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Their design and development has been aided considerably by the applications of molecular models, and we review these here. These methods include the use of tools to explore the relationships between their structures, dynamics, and functions and the increasing application of machine learning and molecular dynamics simulations. This review compiles resources such as AMP databases, AMP-related web servers, and commonly used techniques, together aimed at aiding researchers in the area toward complementing experimental studies with computational approaches.