
Hybrid AI assistive diagnostic model permits rapid TBS classification of cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smears

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Nature Communications 2021 Jun 10;12(1):3541. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23913-3
Pubmed:  34112790
Impact Factor:  12.121
Date of Acceptance:   24 May 2021

Technical advancements significantly improve earlier diagnosis of cervical cancer, but accurate diagnosis is still difficult due to various factors. We develop an artificial intelligence assistive diagnostic solution, AIATBS, to improve cervical liquid-based thin-layer cell smear diagnosis according to clinical TBS criteria. We train AIATBS with >81,000 retrospective samples. It integrates YOLOv3 for target detection, Xception and Patch-based models to boost target classification, and U-net for nucleus segmentation. We integrate XGBoost and a logical decision tree with these models to optimize the parameters given by the learning process, and we develop a complete cervical liquid-based cytology smear TBS diagnostic system which also includes a quality control solution. We validate the optimized system with >34,000 multicenter prospective samples and achieve better sensitivity compared to senior cytologists, yet retain high specificity while achieving a speed of <180s/slide. Our system is adaptive to sample preparation using different standards, staining protocols and scanners.