
PhosIDP: a web tool to visualize the location of phosphorylation sites in disordered regions

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Scientific Reports, 2021 May 11;11(1):9930, PMID: 33976270, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88992-0
Pubmed:  33976270
Impact Factor:  4.379
Date of Acceptance:   1 Sep 2021

Charge is a key determinant of intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) and intrinsically disordered region (IDR) properties. IDPs and IDRs are enriched in sites of phosphorylation, which alters charge. Visualizing the degree to which phosphorylation modulates the charge profile of a sequence would assist in the functional interpretation of IDPs and IDRs. PhosIDP is a web tool that shows variation of charge and fold propensity upon phosphorylation. In combination with the displayed location of protein domains, the information provided by the web tool can lead to functional inferences for the consequences of phosphorylation. IDRs are components of many proteins that form biological condensates. It is shown that IDR charge, and its modulation by phosphorylation, is more tightly controlled for proteins that are essential for condensate formation than for those present in condensates but inessential.