
Progressive endoplasmic reticulum stress over time due to human insulin gene mutation contributes to pancreatic beta cell dysfunction

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Diabetologia. 2021 Nov;64(11):2534-2549. doi: 10.1007/s00125-021-05530-3. Epub 2021 Aug 27.
Pubmed:  34448879
Impact Factor:  10.122
Date of Acceptance:   27 Aug 2021


We studied the effects of heterozygous human INS gene mutations on insulin secretion, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and other mechanisms in both MIN6 and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)-derived beta-like cells, as well as the effects of prolonged overexpression of mutant human INS in MIN6 cells.


We modelled the structure of mutant C109Y and G32V proinsulin computationally to examine the in silico effects. We then overexpressed either wild-type (WT), mutant (C109Y or G32V), or both WT and mutant human preproinsulin in MIN6 cells, both transiently and stably over several weeks. We measured the levels of human and rodent insulin secreted, and examined the transcript and protein levels of several ER stress and apoptotic markers. We also reprogrammed human donor fibroblasts heterozygous for the C109Y mutation into hiPSCs and differentiated these into pancreatic beta-like cells, which were subjected to single-cell RNA-sequencing and transcript and protein analyses for ER stress and apoptotic markers.


The computational modelling studies, and short-term and long-term expression studies in beta cells, revealed the presence of ER stress, organelle changes and insulin processing defects, resulting in a decreased amount of insulin secreted but not the ability to secrete insulin. By 9 weeks of expression of mutant human INS, dominant-negative effects of mutant INS were evident and beta cell insulin secretory capacity declined. INS+/C109Y patient-derived beta-like cells and single-cell RNA-sequencing analyses then revealed compensatory upregulation in genes involved in insulin secretion, processing and inflammatory response.


The results provide deeper insights into the mechanisms of beta cell failure during INSmutation-mediated diabetes disease progression. Decreasing spliced X-box binding protein 1 (sXBP1) or inflammatory response could be avenues to restore the function of the remaining WT INS allele.