
Maternal Prenatal Anxiety and the Fetal Origins of Epigenetic Aging

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Biological Psychiatry 2022 Feb 1;91(3):303-312. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.07.025. Epub 2021 Aug 19
Pubmed:  34756561
Impact Factor:  13.382

The fetal origins of mental health is a well-established framework that currently lacks a robust index of the biological embedding of prenatal adversity. The Pediatric-Buccal-Epigenetic (PedBE) clock is a novel epigenetic tool that associates with aspects of the prenatal environment, but additional validation in longitudinal datasets is required. Likewise, the relationship between prenatal maternal mental health and the PedBE clock has not been described.