
Bioinspired short peptide hydrogel for versatile encapsulation and controlled release of growth factor therapeutics

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 136, Dec 21, Pg 111-123, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.09.023
Pubmed:  34551327
Impact Factor:  8.947
Date of Acceptance:   14 Sep 2021

A short bioinspired octapeptide, GV8, can self-assemble under mild conditions into biodegradable supramolecular physical hydrogels with high storage modulus and good biocompatibility. GV8 hydrogels can encapsulate both single or multiple macromolecular protein-based therapeutics in a simple one-pot formulation manner, making it a promising candidate to address challenges faced by existing synthetic polymer or peptide hydrogels with complex gelation and drug-encapsulation processes. Alongside its versatility, the hydrogel exhibits concentration-dependent storage modulus and controlled drug-release action. We demonstrate that GV8 hydrogels loaded with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSC) secretome remain mechanically robust, and exhibit promising potential for wound healing applications by preserving secretome activity while maintaining a constant supply of ADMSC secretome to promote epithelial cell migration. Overall, our work highlights the potential of GV8 peptide hydrogel as a versatile and safe carrier for encapsulation and delivery of macromolecular therapeutics.