
Cannabinoid Biosynthesis Using Noncanonical Cannabinoid Synthases

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023 Jan 9;24(2):1259. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021259
Pubmed:  36674774
Impact Factor:  6.208
Date of Acceptance:   8 Jan 2023

We report enzymes from the berberine bridge enzyme (BBE) superfamily that catalyze the oxidative cyclization of the monoterpene moiety in cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) to form cannabielsoin (CBE). The enzymes are from a variety of organisms and are previously uncharacterized. Out of 232 homologues chosen from the enzyme superfamily, four orthologues were shown to accept CBGA as a substrate and catalyze the biosynthesis of CBE. The four enzymes discovered in this study were recombinantly expressed and purified in Pichia pastoris. These enzymes are the first report of heterologous expression of BBEs that did not originate from the Cannabis plant that catalyze the production of cannabinoids using CBGA as substrate. This study details a new avenue for discovering and producing natural and unnatural cannabinoids.