
Impact on S. aureus and E. coli Membranes of Treatment with Chlorhexidine and Alcohol Solutions: Insights from Molecular Simulations and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 435, Issue 11, 1 Jun 2023, 435(11):167953. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2023.167953
Pubmed:  37330283
Impact Factor:  6.15
Date of Acceptance:   4 Jan 2023

Membranes form the first line of defence of bacteria against potentially harmful molecules in the surrounding environment. Understanding the protective properties of these membranes represents an important step towards development of targeted anti-bacterial agents such as sanitizers. Use of propanol, isopropanol and chlorhexidine can significantly decrease the threat imposed by bacteria in the face of growing anti-bacterial resistance via mechanisms that include membrane disruption. Here we have employed molecular dynamics simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance to explore the impact of chlorhexidine and alcohol on the S. aureus cell membrane, as well as the E. coli inner and outer membranes. We identify how sanitizer components partition into these bacterial membranes, and show that chlorhexidine is instrumental in this process.