
An end-end deep learning framework for lesion segmentation on multi-contrast MR images—an exploratory study in a rat model of traumatic brain injury

Journal Type:  Journal Paper
Journal:  Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol 61, pg 847-865 (2023) doi: 10.1007/s11517-022-02752-4
Pubmed:  36624356
Impact Factor:  3.2
Date of Acceptance:   24 Dec 2022

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) engenders traumatic necrosis and penumbra-areas of secondary neural injury which are crucial targets for therapeutic interventions. Segmenting manually areas of ongoing changes like necrosis, edema, hematoma, and inflammation is tedious, error-prone, and biased. Using the multi-parametric MR data from a rodent model study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of an end-end deep learning global-attention-based UNet (GA-UNet) framework for automatic segmentation and quantification of TBI lesions. Longitudinal MR scans (2 h, 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, and 60 days) were performed on eight Sprague-Dawley rats after controlled cortical injury was performed. TBI lesion and sub-regions segmentation was performed using 3D-UNet and GA-UNet. Dice statistics (DSI) and Hausdorff distance were calculated to assess the performance. MR scan variations-based (bias, noise, blur, ghosting) data augmentation was performed to develop a robust model.Training/validation median DSI for U-Net was 0.9368 with T2w and MPRAGE inputs, whereas GA-UNet had 0.9537 for the same. Testing accuracies were higher for GA-UNet than U-Net with a DSI of 0.8232 for the T2w-MPRAGE inputs.Longitudinally, necrosis remained constant while oligemia and penumbra decreased, and edema appearing around day 3 which increased with time. GA-UNet shows promise for multi-contrast MR image-based segmentation/quantification of TBI in large cohort studies.