
Identifying Key In Silico Knockout for Enhancement of Limonene Yield Through Dynamic Metabolic Modelling

Journal Type:  Book/Book Chapter
Journal:  Systems Biology - Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 2745, doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3577-3_1
Pubmed:  38060176

Living cells display dynamic and complex behaviors. To understand their response and to infer novel insights not possible with traditional reductionist approaches, over the last few decades various computational modelling methodologies have been developed. In this chapter, we focus on modelling the dynamic metabolic response, using linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations, of an engineered Escherichia coli MG1655 strain with plasmid pJBEI-6409 that produces limonene. We show the systems biology steps involved from collecting time-series data of living cells, to dynamic model creation and fitting the model with experimental responses using COPASI software.