The Determination of HIV-1 RT Mutation Rate, Its Possible Allosteric Effects, and Its Implications on Drug Resistance

The high mutation rate of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) plays a major role in treatment resistance, from the development of vaccines to therapeutic drugs. In addressing the crux of the issue, various attempts to estimate the mutation rate of HIV-1 resulted in a large range of 10−5–10−3 errors/bp/cycle due to the use of different types of investigation methods.


Not all therapeutic antibody isotypes are equal: The case of IgM versus IgG in Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab

The therapeutic potential of immunoglobulin M (IgM) is of considerable interest in immunotherapy due to its complement-activating and cell-agglutinating abilities. Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab are monoclonal antibodies used to treat human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer but exhibit significantly different binding affinities as IgM when compared to its IgG isotype.


The APD Skin Monitoring App for wound monitoring: Image processing, area plot, and colour histogram

Being often irregular in shape, accurate measurements of wounds are often challenging. Tracing or length measurement by the longest dimension are often inaccurate and time-consuming to carry out. Yet, proper wound area monitoring is essential for wound care. Instead of multiple clinical visits, which also increase the burden on health care systems and the associated expenses, patients can take the responsibility for their own wound progress.


Psycho-otorhinomicrobiology: The link between the aerotolerant flora of the nose and ears, and that of the psyche

The intriguing relationship between microbiota and human psyche showed gut microbiota to be associated with well-being. To determine if the microbiota of other body parts would be similarly associated, we analyzed the perceived stress, well-being, and happiness scale measures of 106 healthy individuals and their aerotolerant microbiota load in their otorhino canals.


Application Notes on APD Areametric App: Automated area quantification for both Android and iOS

Area measurements have a wide range of uses from the monitoring of skin features in healthcare, celestial bodies in astronomy, to determining furniture sizes in everyday indoor uses. Current measurement methods utilize some form of measuring tool and unless performed by skilled and trained professionals, human errors leading to inaccurate measurements can often arise.


A Review of Apps for Programming: programming languages and making apps with apps

With the latest technologies enabling smartphones to work like mini computers, there are now numerous opportunities to use smartphones for the development of mobile apps. Given the multiple Operating Systems (OS) available, there is a significant demand for apps for the various platforms.


Perspective: The promises of a holistic view of proteins-impact on antibody engineering and drug discovery

The reductionist approach is prevalent in biomedical science. However, increasing evidence now shows that biological systems cannot be simply considered as the sum of its parts. With experimental, technological and computational advances, we can now do more than view parts in isolation, thus wepropose that an increasing holistic view (where a protein is investigated as much as a whole as possible) is now timely.


Commentary: Augmented Reality Scientific Phone Apps - making the APD AR Holistic Review app and using existing AR apps for scientific publications

The average scientific publication is not the most palatable of reading materials, especially to those not in the relevant disciplines. Yet, conveying scientific concepts easily is precisely what scientific publications are meant to do. Imagine what the use of video pictures/paintings as depicted in the Harry Potter movie series can do to make things easier!
