Huber RG

Computational modelling of flavivirus dynamics: The ins and outs

Enveloped viruses such as the flaviviruses represent a significant burden to human health around the world, with hundreds of millions of people each year affected by dengue alone. In an effort to improve our understanding of the molecular basis for the infective mechanisms of these viruses, extensive computational modelling approaches have been applied to elucidate their conformational dynamics.


Extending the Martini coarse-grained forcefield to N-glycans

Glycans play a vital role in a large number of cellular processes. Their complex and flexible nature hampers structure-function studies using experimental techniques. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can help in understanding dynamic aspects of glycans if the forcefield (FF) parameters used can reproduce key experimentally observed properties.


Multiscale modelling and simulation of viruses

In recent years, advances in structural biology, integrative modelling, and simulation approaches have allowed us to gain unprecedented insights into viral structure and dynamics. In this article we survey recent studies utilizing this wealth of structural information to build computational models of partial or complete viruses and to elucidate mechanisms of viral function.


Thrombin-derived C-terminal fragments aggregate and scavenge bacteria and their proinflammatory products.

Thrombin-derived C-terminal peptides (TCPs), including a major 11-kDa fragment (TCP96), are produced through cleavage by human neutrophil elastase and aggregate lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli However, the physiological roles of TCP96 in controlling bacterial infections and reducing LPS-induced inflammation are unclear. Here, using various biophysical methods, in silico molecular modeling, microbiological and cellular assays, and animal models, we examined the structural features and functional roles of recombinant TCP96 (rTCP96) in the aggregation of multiple bacteria and the Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists they produce.


Flavivirus Cross-Reactivity to Dengue Nonstructural Protein 1 Antigen Detection Assays

Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) are flaviviruses of public health relevance. Both viruses circulate in the same endemic settings and acute infections generally manifest similar symptoms. This highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis for clinical management and outbreak control. One of the commonly used acute diagnostic markers for flaviviruses is nonstructural protein 1 (NS1).


On the ion coupling mechanism of the MATE transporter ClbM

Bacteria use a number of mechanisms to defend themselves from antimicrobial drugs. One important defense strategy is the ability to export drugs by multidrug transporters. One class of multidrug transporter, the so-called multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporters, extrude a variety of antibiotic compounds from the bacterial cytoplasm.


Linker length affects photostability of protein-targeted sensor of cellular microviscosity

Viscosity sensitive fluorophores termed 'molecular rotors' represent a convenient and quantitative tool for measuring intracellular viscosity via Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM). We compare the FLIM performance of two BODIPY-based molecular rotors bound to HaloTag protein expressed in different subcellular locations.


BRAF inhibitors promote intermediate BRAF(V600E) conformations and binary interactions with activated RAS

Oncogenic BRAF mutations initiate tumor formation by unleashing the autoinhibited kinase conformation and promoting RAS-decoupled proliferative RAF-MEK-ERK signaling. We have engineered luciferase-based biosensors to systematically track full-length BRAF conformations and interactions affected by tumorigenic kinase mutations and GTP loading of RAS.
